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Yorkshire Terrier

  • The Yorkshire Terrier, also known as Yorkie, is a small dog breed originating from England. They typically weigh between 4 to 7 pounds and belong to the Toy Group. Yorkies have a lifespan of 11 to 15 years and are characterized by their long, silky, and fine-textured coat that comes in blue and tan colors. In terms of temperament, Yorkshire Terriers are spirited, affectionate, and can be a bit feisty despite their small size. They require moderate exercise such as daily walks and indoor play. Training a Yorkie can be challenging due to their stubborn streak, but they are intelligent and respond well to positive reinforcement. Grooming is high maintenance for Yorkies because of their long coat, necessitating regular brushing, grooming, and occasional trims. Health-wise, they are prone to dental issues, patellar luxation, and eye problems, highlighting the importance of regular dental care.

How Often Should You Feed a Yorkie?

  • When it comes to feeding a Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie), their small size and fast metabolism require a specific feeding schedule to prevent health issues like hypoglycemia. Yorkies should be fed small, frequent meals throughout the day to maintain their energy levels and overall well-being.

    Feeding Schedule for Yorkies:

    • Puppies (up to 3 months old or at least 2.5 lbs): It is recommended to feed Yorkie puppies four times a day, spaced out evenly throughout the day.
    • 3 months old (or 2.5+ lbs) to 1 year old: Transitioning into adulthood, Yorkies can typically be fed three meals per day.
    • 1 year and older: Adult Yorkies can usually go longer between feedings and are commonly fed three meals per day.

PRICE : $350

PRICE : $350

My Itty Bitty Yorkies Health Guarantee

My Itty Bitty Yorkies provides a 1-year health guarantee for their Yorkie puppies. This guarantee ensures that the puppies are in good health at the time of purchase and offers protection to the buyer in case of any unforeseen health issues that may arise within the first year of ownership.

The health guarantee typically covers genetic health conditions or illnesses that are present at the time of purchase. If a puppy is found to have a genetic health issue within the specified timeframe, My Itty Bitty Yorkies may offer options such as a replacement puppy or reimbursement for veterinary expenses related to the condition.

It is essential for buyers to carefully review and understand the terms and conditions of the health guarantee provided by My Itty Bitty Yorkies to ensure they meet all requirements for coverage.

Puppy Accessories

puppy money garantee,

puppy money guarantee, often referred to as a health guarantee, is a common practice among reputable breeders and sellers in the dog breeding industry. This guarantee typically covers two main aspects:

  1. Initial Health Guarantee: The breeder ensures that the puppy is healthy at the time of sale and free from serious infectious diseases. Buyers are usually required to have the puppy examined by their own veterinarian within a specified timeframe (usually 48-72 hours) to confirm its health status. If any health issues are discovered during this examination, the buyer may be eligible for a full refund or exchange.

  2. Genetic/Health Defect Guarantee: Some breeders also offer guarantees against congenital or genetic defects for a certain period after purchase. This aspect can vary significantly among breeders and may include coverage for specific conditions such as hip dysplasia, eye issues, or other hereditary diseases. In some cases, proof of spaying/neutering may be required for replacement pups.


It was such a pleasure meeting you and your Family. Thank you SO much for my little Clementine. She’s absolutely adorable! I care for her very much and spoil her as much as possible without spoiling her character. ha-ha. She’s an absolute pleasure to have! She runs so fast and plays so much, its just inevitable that anyone around her smiles all the time.Thank you again, really. I am so happy, and wish you, your family and fluffy paws all the very best from the bottom of my heart. Sincerely!
Good Morning , I truly want to thank you for a wonderful adoption puppy experience. You followed through with what you told me and I appreciate that very much. With so much scam artists out there on the internet it can make one very anxious about conducting business over the internet. I would not hesitate to recommend your establishment to my friends. Chester is doing well and as you can imagine he is being spoilt rotten. He had a bath yesterday and he has a vet appt. for Wednesday. The kids are off to a new puppy orientation class also on Wednesday:-). We want to make sure we do right by him. At some point we may have to look at another little one.
Johnson Yorkshire Puppies , are a professional breeder who truly cares for the welfare of her puppies. they made sure our baby was safely delivered within 48 hours of my purchase. Now our puppy is a happy healthy addition to our family, and she is absolutely gorgeous and intelligent!!
Hi Johnson Yorkshire Puppies , My name is Lisa Herley, I adopted a miniature pinscher puppy from you back in September. I just wanted you to know that she has become an important part of our family . She is very energetic and full of life we just love our new puppy. She growing in to her dog body. She learning so many new things like how to eat my new shoes and how to aggravate my other puppies, but all in all we love her and wouldn’t trade her for the world. I have included a picture of her. I will send you updates regularly. Take care
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